Most probably this error happened because the acquirer bank does not support/enable the request's transaction type you have sent in the request payload, such as Refund, Sale, Auth, .. etc. To know more about "What is the different "tran_type" (transaction type)?"


How to investigate the reason that caused this error?

You can check the "Response Code" in the transaction screen from the Transactions menu.

Reason #1: Performing a payment with a not supported transaction type

This means that the sent "tran_type" in the request payload is not supported by your acquirer bank. To know more about this check our "What is the "tran_type" (transaction type)?" solution article.

Double-check the sent "trans_type" to be supported with your acquirer bank. Or if you wanted this specific "trans_type", in this case, you will need to send this inquiry to us at ( with the profile Id along with the country your business operates in, to check for you the issue with the bank.

In some cases, we will have to change the acquirer within your merchant account to perform this specific "trans_type"