In this article you will be going to know the answers about:

What is the tran_type?

The tran_type is the identification of the type of the transaction such as salerefundvoid, etc. The tran_type is one of the required fields that you need to enter while using some of the API endpoints requests.

What are the different values for the tran_type?

The tran_type value can be different among saleauthcapturevoidregister, and refund.


This means that the amount of the transaction will be deducted directly from the customer's bank account once he submits the purchase. 


This means the amount of the purchase will be deducted from the cardholder's bank account, yet it will be held (authorized) for a certain period of time/days. This amount will remain at the cardholder bank until it got captured, in other words, it will not be transferred to your bank account until it got captured.


This means that the previously authorized/hold amount from a previous auth transaction will be captured/transferred from the cardholder's bank account to your bank account.


This means that the previously authorized/hold amount from a previous auth transaction will be released back to the cardholder's bank account from his own bank side (as it kept hold there).


This means that you can verify a card for later "Auth/Cap" or "Recurring" payments without charging the cardholder. In other words, the amount of the purchase will be deducted from the cardholder's bank account, yet it will be released back to the cardholder's bank account from his own bank side (as it kept hold there). 

Using this type, you can directly send a Register request which acts as using auth then void, but in one request instead.


This means to return/transfer back a transaction amount from your bank account to the customer's bank account. It will be considered a new separated transaction with this type, and it will be related to the previous sale/capture transaction.

The capture, void, and refund trans_type can only performed referring to an existed transaction already with one of sale, auth types.

The tran_type (sale) means both of auth and capture performed at the same time.

The tran_type (register) means both of auth and void performed at the same time.

The auth and capture feature should be enabled on your Clickpay account (Profile) before you use it. You can enable this feature by sending an email to

tran_type use cases

  • If the initial payment request tran_type is a sale, then you can perform a refund request with either a full or partial amount.
  • If the initial payment request tran_type is an auth, then you can perform a void request within the holding period only.
  • If the initial payment request tran_type is an auth, then you can performcapture request with either a full or partial amount. 
  • If the initial payment request tran_type is an auth, then you can not performrefund request.
  • if you want to do a partial capture, then the remaining amount will be reversed back automatically after completing the holding period.
  • If you do not do any void/capture request on that auth transaction, the full amount will be reversed back automatically after completing the holding period.