Although the shipping address is not mandatory sometimes, the billing address on the other hand is a mandatory field that we cannot remove because it's required in accordance with the local rules and regulations. So It's mandatory to collect this information because these details are used as part of the bank's anti-fraud screening. 

If you are using Plugin Integration this is not required other integration this is required for removing the shipping address.

We can remove this using certain steps. Below two steps are mandatory for removing shipping address validation

  • Passing customer Info in API call As below in initial call.

"customer_details" : {        

            "email""[email protected]",        


  • Configuring Digital Product in the theme settings

Log in To Dash-broad Click On Developer Section > PayPage Settings

You will see the below Screen on click PayPage Settings. Create a new theme by clicking on the (+) plus icon.

A new Page will open as below please add a new to the theme as per your choice you can customize the page you own

at the end of the setting you will see a option called Digital Product Mode Please Enable it as below image and save it

Also You must make it default by clicking on the below marked icon.