If you want to export a transaction report to your local device for all the transactions that have been performed within a specific period of time, the transactions report is available for you to enable you with this, just follow the below steps:

  1.  Navigate to the Transactions menu in your ClickPay dashboard.

  2. After you get the transactions page you click the search button

  3. Then choose whether the type of search you want from the two types of search exists, the Quick search and the Advanced search.

    Quick Search: This allows you to search by (CartID, Email, Phone, Transaction Ref, Auth code, Service Ref) only for the current month.

    Advanced Search: This allows you to set a date and search with more features. Only with a range of dates that does not exceed 45 days.

  4. Once you hit the "Search" button, you will get the transactions according to your filled filters.
  5. Finally, these transactions can be either filtered or exported as a (.xls or .csv) report on your local device.